
Dohop PartnerConnect 2024 - exploring the world of alternative interlining

In early June, we had the pleasure of hosting our third annual partner event, Dohop PartnerConnect rootsxroutes, in the UK. The event focused on the transformative impact of alternative interlining, which facilitates both air-to-air and air-to-ground partnerships, significantly broadening the network of our partner airlines.

June 25, 2024

Jeremy Burke, CCO of OAG, a leading data platform for the global travel industry, shared some insightful statistics. He noted that alternative interlining contributed to up to 15% of passenger boardings in 2023. This data underscores the growing importance of these partnerships in the travel sector.

One of our long-standing partners, easyJet, has experienced substantial growth through its Dohop-powered worldwide by easyJet platform. Since our partnership began in September 2017, easyJet now connects with over 20 airlines on Worldwide. Sophie Dekkers, easyJet's CCO, highlighted that approximately 70 million passengers were self-connecting through European airports, particularly for long-haul flights. She emphasized how our partnership has allowed easyJet to tap into this market, with many connections booked through their platform being easyJet to easyJet.

Sophie Dekkers and Sarah Hanan discussing easyJet's success with connecting flights on Worldwide by easyJet

Ian Luck, President of Distribution at T2RL, provided valuable insights into the industry's trends. He noted a steady 10% increase in connected airline itineraries over the past decade. While brand loyalty remains strong, consumer loyalty is declining, with passengers showing less interest in earning mileage points. Instead, they are opting for seamless travel planning, driven by technological advancements such as alternative interlining.

Dohop PartnerConnect, attended by 25+ airlines, alliances, and industry experts, provided an opportunity for airlines to exchange best practices during our post-lunch workshops. These sessions also allowed us to gather feedback on desired enhancements, with intermodal offerings and through-baggage on transfer flights emerging as a top priority. The intimate setting at Burnham Beeches was the perfect environment to foster these valuable discussions. 

Lively discussions at the roundtable sessions revealed many priorities for our partners.

Our newest retail partners, French bee and PLAY, shared their positive experiences of joining our network. Initially apprehensive, French bee found our customer service team's support invaluable. Stephane Baudemont, Manager of Pricing and Alliances, expressed that the partnership has exceeded their expectations, allowing them to explore destinations beyond the US.

The event concluded on a high note with an inspirational talk by Olympic athlete Roger Black. His recounting of legendary races and the teamwork that led to the UK relay team's success in the 1990s left us all motivated and inspired.

Dohop PartnerConnect 2024 highlighted the value of collaboration and innovation in the airline industry. We aim to keep building strong partnerships and enhancing the alternative interline travel experience for travellers worldwide.

British Olympian Roger Black sharing the story of how proactivity led to the British team's success at the 1991 World Championships in Tokyo

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